Sunflower Bouquet Tea

Sunflower Bouquet Tea


This is a charming illustration by Rachel Corcoran, created in 2022. This print features an uplifting bouquet of sunflowers, poppies and eucalyptus, held within a vintage inspired tea caddy. Rachel has created a fictional ‘Bouquet Blend’ tea which makes the most delicious cuppa one can imagine. This illustration is a celebration of slow-living, cottage life, and vintage nostalgia. Printed on high quality FSC-certified cream paper.

Print is A4 size (8.27 × 11.7") and includes a framing border with the artists signature handwritten in pencil. Frame not included. Prints are mailed flat within a recycled envelope.

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Thoughtfully made in Dublin, Ireland.

© Rachel Corcoran. All rights reserved.

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