Crayola Bouquet

Crayola Bouquet

from €25.00

This is a charming illustration by Rachel Corcoran, created in 2018. This print celebrates childhood’s favourite tool for drawing on walls, books, and the family pet! The iconic carton holds an array of pretty flowers, creating an unlikely beauty and elegance from an everyday object. Printed on high quality FSC-certified cream paper.

Print is A4 size (8.27 × 11.7") or A3 size (11.7” x 16.5”), and includes a framing border with the artists signature handwritten in pencil. Frame not included. Prints are mailed flat within a recycled envelope.

All important information about your order and its delivery can be found in my shop FAQ.

Thoughtfully made in Dublin, Ireland.

© Rachel Corcoran. All rights reserved.

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